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Orange Boxx Light Weight Cargo Retention System; 4th Gen 4Runner

Starting at: $48.45

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When we were designing the attic storage systems we ran across a problem. The problem was what happens when you are going down the road and you accelerate fast? The wind is blowing thru your SUV and the light weight cargo you have on the attic storage flutters in the wind? Well before you know it it is on the road or trail.

The solution to this issue is here. This kit will bolt on to any attic system we make. Introducing the L.T.C.R.S. Light weight cargo retention system. This sill keep your light weight cargo from ending p on the road or trail from your attic storage area.

The Kit comes with Left and right up rights. Nuts bolts and washers. 2 light weight 4MM and down loadable instructions.

  • Model: LTCRS-4G
  • Manufactured by: Orange Boxx

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